
Swiss Legal Benchmarking Report

KPMG Law Germany/KPMG Law Switzerland
Swiss Legal Benchmarking report_text_Hochformat

The way legal departments work is continuously changing: on the one hand due to technological innovations, on the other hand due to laws, ordinances and regulations from both national and supranational bodies. In addition, legal departments in Switzerland are characterized by a lack of transparency when it comes to costs and their key performance indicators, whereas the expectation regarding the speed and quality of their service offering, as well as the budget pressure, is constantly rising.

KPMG Law launched the Swiss Legal Benchmarking Report in 2021, a swiss whitepaper resulting out of the Global Legal Department Benchmarking Survey, in order to create clarity and deduct best practices for General Counsels and Heads of Legal.

As a first taste, we provided an excerpt from the latest “KPMG Global Legal Department Benchmarking Report”, evaluated in 2019/20 and included a comparison of the results of the 11 Swiss companies that were included in the database. With this limited peer group, our aim is to give a first impression of what a whitepaper for Switzerland could like like and what benefits it can bring. The upcoming report will be further detailed by the results of our upcoming evaluation later this year. It will provide insights on the strategy, organization, trends and developments but also cost- and performance KPIs and the automation of Legal Departments of Swiss companies. These results will enable General counsels and other interested stakeholders to better understand Swiss legal departments, compare and benchmark their own team against their peers and deduct future strategies to improve their service delivery.

Download the full report today and we look forward to discussing the survey results with you.

Are you interested in participating in the upcoming evaluation? Contact us!